Farm Raised Products on Valic Family Farm LLC
First off, we want to let you know that at Valic Family Farm we never medicate our animals or produce with hormones, antibiotics, synthetic pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. We never spray any of our fruits or vegetables with any pesticides. We definitely don't believe in Roundup or any of those types of poisons on any of our land for any reason. With that said please read on about our farm's residents.
We have the most delicious and nutritious beef that you've never heard of, meet the Dexter breed of cattle. They are consistently rated internationally as one of the most delicious beef breeds in the world. We raise them here on our farm on nothing but grass that is never fertilized with anything synthetic and they are never fed any grain or corn etc.
This all adds up to a superior type of meat animal that lives it's life on the farm for it's whole life eating nothing but pasture grass and the hay that I make personally for myself to feed them in the winter months.
Read this excerpt from the U.K. below:
We raise broiler chickens free range and pastured on clean pure grass with some organic Nature's Best feed and clean well water available at all times. We take orders for chickens and then raise them and process the chickens ourselves. You receive your chickens cleaned and in a shrink bag like in the grocery store.
We have organic free range pastured eggs from our Heritage Breed Black and White Java laying hens which happen to be on the Ark of Taste. See the link:
These eggs are the best eggs that you have ever eaten or baked with. The yolks are a deep orange and at times an almost reddish color, packed with omega 3 vitamins and nutrients. Studies show that eggs from truly free range pastured chickens can actually lower your cholesterol! Read the following link:
We have lambs available in the spring time from our Heritage Breed Navajo Churro sheep flock. This breed of sheep is on the Ark of Taste as the best tasting sheep you can eat. See the link:
At times we have pastured free range pork products.
Fruits and vegetables are available in season on a limited basis and it's best to contact us for availability.